-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PEACH BEACH -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Peach Beach is my 2nd single player level. It uses the Beach 2 tile set and combines aspects of water and land play, along with an unlimited amount of eye candy to create the ultimate playing experience. The first level I created using JCS was Carrot Cream, which was one of the few lucky levels to be posted on The Daily Carrot, the official Jazz 2 web site. (www.jazzjackrabbit.com) Included with this ZIP file is a clone of that level. (Carrot Cream Clone) Since both Carrot Cream and it's clone are almost exactly the same, I would recommend that you play Carrot Cream Clone on the Hard difficulty level. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This .zip file includes the following: * peachb.j2l (Peach Beach) * creamclone.j2l (Carrot Cream Clone) * Peach Beach Readme.txt (What you're reading) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Download Carrot Cream at any of the following locations: * The Daily Carrot (http://www.jazzjackrabbit.com) * Jazz 2 City (http://www.jazz2city.com) * Jazz 2 Stuff! (http://www.cet.com/~wakeman/) * JJF's Jazz 2 Site (http://members.xoom.com/ovgames/ovjazzjackrabbit2.html) * The Foxhole (http://members.xoom.com/Dino_Rabbit/Index.html) Credits: Peach Beach created by: * Steven Wakeman Special Thanks to: * Evil Bill * Noogyness * Bugs * Arjan * Onag * Dethman * Dino * Electrap * Gizmo * JJF * Dan Dude * Sir Winner AND * Dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= !!!!ENJOY!!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=